Life in Seville - Part 4!
Naomi works as a Teaching Assistant at OneWay School Photo curtesy of Naomi, CAAC 'Time flies when you're having fun, especially in...
Life in Seville - Part 3
Ana-Maria works at 3Si as Assistant Project Co-ordinator Photo curtesy of Ana - Enjoying the sun in Plaza de Espana 'My role as a 3Si...
April Internships - Life in Seville Part 2
Katey works as a research assistant at Donana Biological Station Photo curtesy of Katey: Flamingos at Donana Nation Park 'It’s honestly...
April round of Internships - Life in Seville
Callum works at Colegio Britanico de Sevilla Photo curtsey of Callum. Callum standing on Puente de Isabel II, Seville 'Time has flown by;...